Success Stories
Bee case study in Dr. Philip Kotler’s latest publish
With a pinch of strategic planning, a dash of marketing intelligence and a handful of hard work and team spirit, Bee exceeded all expectations when announced chosen as a successful benchmark and a case study in Dr Philip Kotler’s latest publish “Principles of Marketing”. Bee’s campaign “Bebalaaash” was globally recognized as the best marketing practice among all Arab countries Dr. Philip Kotler – the well renounced Marketing Godfather – and author of all Marketing references for Marketing professionals worldwide.
Bee case represents the first case from Egypt and Arab countries to be considered by the God Father of Marketing, as a successful case study worth teaching in Philip Kotler books.
For more insight info on Philip Kotler history and achievements, as well as a complete read up of Bee success story in the Egyptian market, please check the below links:
Philip Kotler Official Website